Tuesday, December 13, 2011

She just won't shut up...

I live in an apartment and have two elderly people living on each side of me. They are always quiet. Nothing much ever goes on here. Its peaceful...boring right? WRONG. About a month ago a woman moved upstairs from me. On an average night I can hear her talking, watching tv, playing music, everything. That normally wouldn't bother me. Its the VOLUME at which she does all of this. She likes to stomp through her apartment also. I swear she is wearing steel blocks on her feet. She also, apparently, can hear everything I am doing as well. She actually started singing along to a song on a movie I was watching. I thought she was watching the same thing at first until I remembered I was watching the movie on Netflix...She also has what i believe to be around 5 other people living with her. All of them guys. Ugh. yea. I can hear EVERYTHING. So I decided, since I have nothing better to do, that I will keep a blog about everything that goes on until my lease is up and I can get the hell out of here!